Are you seeing all updates from the Pages you've Liked? Chances are you don't have the settings correct.
By default, when you Like a Page, Facebook sets the amount of updates
you'll see in your News to "Most Updates". You need to manually change
it to "All Updates" if you want to see the majority of posts from that
Page. You still won't see 100% of their updates, but you'll definitely
see more of them if you select "All Updates".
Step 1: Mouse
over the "Liked" button for the Page and make sure, "Show in News Feed"
is checked. You may also want to turn on "Get Notifications" so you'll
get a notification every time that Page posts an update.
2: If "Show in News Feed" is checked you'll also see a "Settings..."
option. Click on "Settings..." and if "Most Updates" is checked, change
it to "All Updates".
BTW, this applies to your friends profiles as well.
Please share this post with your friends or fans. I know many of you
are savvy about Facebook settings, but most of your friends probably